Friday, 20 May 2005

Kimi's Humour

I love reading Kimi Raikkonen's press conferences, watching them are another matter - his mumbles are mostly indecipherable, so I leave those to the experts to translate. Anyway, he's no toastmaster, so his answers tend to be totally to the point, and refreshingly-free from BS. Here's another gem, taken from Wednesday's Monaco GP pre-race press conference. This journalist obviously hasn't been following the 2003-4 seasons, where McLaren's spectacular unreliability resulted in many a thrown steering wheel and pushed marshall...

Q: (Byron Young - Speed Sport News) Kimi, have you ever got angry about anything, and jumped up and down and shouted?
Raikkonen: Yeah, many times but of course you're not happy if you retire or something but I guess it mostly happens more in normal life than in racing.
Q: (Byron Young - Speed Sport News) Can you give us examples?
Raikkonen: No, not really.
Q: (Byron Young - Speed Sport News) What are the kind of things that make you angry in normal life, as you say?
Raikkonen: If you keep asking (questions like those)...

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