Tuesday, 24 August 2004


Er, maybe we should seriously reconsider the 3rd kid thing. Sarah's performance last night might just be a timely reminder to my otherwise amnesic state of bliss after a near whole year of unbroken sleep.

Before that I do have vague recollections of hourly attendance unto her royal highness in the wee hours of the morning, but there's nothing like a simple solid stretch of sleep to wipe out any hard feelings... sigh.

Anyway, let's see now, shall we. They're both growing up real quick, and to be truthful, we simply haven't got any GRAVE reasons to avoid another one. It also feels too ungrateful somehow to reject a gift as bountiful as that of being entrusted with a new human being, considering all we've been given. The "Parable of the Talents" is REALLY scary whenever I think about it.

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