Thursday, 11 August 2005


Just got ourselves out of tv suaku-land with the installation yesterday of an SCV box. This was done primarily so that on Grand Prix weekends I don't have to go pestering StarSports-ready friends, or worse, watch races from a 'live update' laptime computer screen. So far Nik has been forthcoming in extending his hospitality, but I'm not comfortable being away from the kiddies unnecessarily 19 Sunday nights a year. Besides, I always feel like I'm intruding on his ongoing 2 year honeymoon with his wife.

I've noticed that although we only subscribed to the basic group plus sports, we've got ALL the channels now - MTV, Zee Tv, Chinese channels, the lot. Colleagues tell me that happens for the first week or month, to tempt us into adding more groups, and money into Starhub's coffers. Nice strategy, but won't work with me!

Then again, I did vow that we'd never get cable... Now, which channel is Battlestar Galactica on again?

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