Thursday, 8 September 2005


I'd recently explained to Matt what a miracle is, i.e. some act of God that we simply can't understand, like how God made each of the animals, different flowers etc. This was after he asked how God could raise people from the dead.

Well he's so caught up now he thinks that anything he can't figure out is a miracle. Like, we got a free pair of 3D glasses with a kids' magazine, and he couldn't figure how the green and red lens stayed in the cardboard frame, so he immediately concluded, "It's part of the miracle, right?"

I had to literally peel back the cardboard and show him the sandwiched lens and explain that it's no miracle.

On another note, there really is a miracle happening in our lives right now. A little person just made his way into the world! I hope he hangs on tight inside me until it's time he sees daylight. I'm putting my feet up these two weeks for him to stabilise, and keeping fingers crossed that we hear his heartbeat at the next doctor's visit, or the one after that.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations and do take care. I too had an initial scare like yours and now I'm already in my 11th week. I hope to see you deliver shortly after me!

zeenie said...

Congratulations and take care!