Monday, 31 October 2005


It always catches me unawares, ungracious behaviour from people. I just never expect it, much as there is this underlying belief that Singaporeans are by nature ugly. Simple things like neglecting to utter a word of thanks, unwarranted (not to mention unjust) criticism of people about whom I kindly supplied information because I was asked... don't people realise they're being ungracious with their negligence or outright inconsideration?

Then again, I'm no saint (yet), so why should I be surprised when I most certainly must have been equally ungracious to others, even if I didn't mean it? But I just hate to think that people can be all that ill bred!

It just makes me afraid for the kids. I don't want them to grow up ungracious and it's so easy to want to give up reminding them to say please and thank you and to think about other people before themselves. Any slack in my vigilance and they'll right as not join the ranks of the ungracious, and not know any better. And what about the children of those very ungracious people I'm griping about? What hope is there for them with parents like that?

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