Friday, 10 March 2006

Theory: Bread

OK I really have to record some of my theories so that I can stop repeating them to S every now and again, driving him nuts.

To start with, bread. Ever wondered who invented bread? It's mind boggling to think that someone could have looked at ears of wheat growing in a field, and seen bread at the end of it. How would he have thought of grinding the seeds into a powder, mixing the powder with water, heating the mix to make bread?? The chances of a completely serendipitous sequence of events causing ears of wheat to end up as bread are simply too infinitesimal to be possible.

It's such a quantum leap that I believe the process of making bread MUST have been infused knowledge given to Adam and Eve before the Fall. From what I know, they had infused knowledge, so bread-making must have been part of the infused knowledge given to them by none other than God Himself.

It's just too inconceivable otherwise.

And it just occured to me, is that why God chose that the Body of Jesus should take the form of Bread when left to us after the Ascension, because bread is the one heaven-wrought food that has been nourishing humanity from time immemorial?

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