Thursday, 26 March 2009

Sophie and School

She's started! Pre-nursery, 8:30-noon. It's the same school that Sarah has been going to since last year but Sophie says, "Jie jie is going to my school."

Unfortunately she's still crying. I know it's only the first week, but it's ridiculous - she's crying because she doesn't want to come home! She cries either at school when she has to leave, or in the school bus all the way back. But in the mornings she happily sets off together with Sarah.

Her reason being: Sarah gets to stay on for lunch and afternoon enrichment activities like art, gym, speech and drama, while she has to go home for her lunch and nap. Actually we'd be very happy for her to stay on too, but the afternoon activities are only for the K1 and K2 kids.

Oh well. I'm just praying she'll be happy and learn lots and expend her energy there, and not clobber anyone. Yes, she's that kind. Even the gynae, when she came with us for one of baby's routine checks, commented that she seems the chilli padi sort. Oh dear!

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