We were talking about tummy sizes in the car and Sarah remembered a lady we saw last year.
"Her tummy was very big! She was having twins!"
"We can't be sure Sarah, but it's possible. She must have given birth by now."
"My teacher told me about a mummy with five babies."
"Is that five children or five babies at once?"
"Five babies at once!"
"Do you know what that's called? They're quintuplets. Can you say that?"
"Good. And one baby is a singleton. What do you call two babies at once?"
Sarah thought for a while and ventured, "Doubleton?"
"Picasso!", I cried, when we drove past a Citroen Picasso at the mall. I've heard of this car as a family-friendly thing but never seen one so far.
"Picasso?", said Sarah. "That's a famous artist!"
She'd been learning about famous artists in school.
"Yup," I said. "Do you know what's his first name?"
She thought for a while and said, "Pika?"