Sunday 23 August 2015

The Kid's Speech

As we were finishing lunch, Andrew suddenly said, 'Rachel, want, play, Andrew, ice cream?' We knew immediately that he was asking Rachel if she wanted to play with him the ice cream stacking game that he likes.

He says 'Ridena' for 'Ribena;' 'Raddit' for 'Rabbit.' He can perfectly pronounce 'Ri,' 'Be,' and 'Na' separately, and 'Ra' and 'Bit,' but say them together correctly he cannot.

He calls Sarah 'Rahrah.'

Sophie he also calls 'Rahrah;' when corrected he'll say 'Iffy.'

Rachel is 'Chehcheh;' Matt is 'Korkor.'

He has no problems with Daddy, Mommy and Aunty.

He'll frown, cross his short chubby arms and give an emphatic 'Hmp!' if he can't get what he wants.