Thursday, 1 December 2005

2005 Nuclear Wrap

The year’s almost over.

Major milestones: Matt started preschool in February. My father got baptised in May (okay this bit's not nuclear but it's too big not to mention). Third child came to be in August.

Pluses: S got a substantial raise. I got the grad cert in IP law and passed one of the papers to qualify as a patent agent. Lots of other positive things happened but they're too many to detail.

Minuses: The kids had asthma episodes now and then, with Sarah needing to go to hospital a couple of times. Luckily not warded.

Interestings: S and I went for a short beach holiday with my parents. S was closely involved in Matt’s school’s dinner and dance, being an mc as well as singing in a fathers’ band! I must say they were pretty darn good. I’m doing an attachment at a local firm, apprenticing under a registered patent agent. Matt is getting to be really keen on electronic games and a fun opponent in Snakes & Ladders. Sarah is getting fluent in speech, as well as really good with her jigsaw puzzles. Baby is under the care of a different OBGyn, who suggested I try yoga now and water labour when it's time.

Next year Sarah starts Nursery 1 in March, just after she turns three. Happily, Matt’s school is going to run her N1 classes in the same time as his K1 classes, so we don’t have a problem sorting out her transport anymore. S’ll have a few in-camp trainings, and I’m not looking forward to the sleepless nights and expressing after baby arrives in May (God willing), but I think it promises to be quite exciting and positive overall. We may even buy a second car, a little weekend thing, but we’ll see how things work out first.

To finish up 2005, we're going to spend the last month together as a little family on our own, with our trusty helper gone home to the Philippines. We’ve already got plans lined up, like a stay on Sentosa, a trip to the zoo, a Christmas party, and other mini outings when S and I take turns to be on leave with the children. We'll also be going to see the baby in a detailed scan (all 5 of us squeezed in the little ultrasounding room) - hope to find out if it's a boy or girl!


Anonymous said...

Wish you and Sean have a healthy child. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

Here's to a good year ahead! :) Merry Christmas!

zeenie said...

Season's greetings! Sounds like 2005 was(?) an eventful year for you. All the best!