Friday 2 November 2007

"New" Home II

The kids rooms were rearranged at the same time that we reorganized our living room. We took the opportunity to replace the broken bureaus in the girls' room. The drawer bottoms had all given way under the weight of their tons of clothes. To make way for the new chests of drawers to be delivered, Sean moved the old bureaus out into the corridor.

As usual the kids were all over the place, and it was hairy work getting the two dressers out while watching that the drawers didn't suddenly tip out and knock over the small ones.

As Sean was straightening up and putting the last drawer back in place where the bureaus finally sat by our neighbour's front door (luckily neighbour is grandma), Sarah, who had been following everything with great interest, suddenly asked, "Daddy, now I have to go outside to get my clothes?"


Anonymous said...

Hey Lu,
I have really enjoyed reading your blog.. Makes me started to blog abt my kids more, instead of my blogs.. Btw, I also think that Brian is so much cuter than Angel at the same age too.. Haha..

justpassingby said...

Hi there!!! It's 2.30am in the morning and I'm supposed to be sleeping, but I couldn't help but read your entire blog (OK, so not that entire... I skipped all those about cars done by Sean... heh)...

Wonderful work! Yay, more ways to keep myself updated on you guys!!! And of course, you can do the same... and no, it's not the same as rifling through my drawers... cos my drawers are mostly empty - clothes not folded and put away... yet.

See ya on FB! I love Scrabulous! Yeah!