Wednesday 27 February 2008

Good Habit or Bad Habit?

On the way home from ballet yesterday, Sarah and I got to talking about habits. She had spoken to me rudely in the car, and I warned her that if she didn't check herself, it would become a habit.

"What's a habit?"

"A habit is something that you always do, and it's hard for you to change. Like, sucking your thumb! That's a bad habit, right?"


"There are also good habits. Like brushing your teeth. So if you keep talking rudely, it'll become a bad habit and you'll always talk rudely."



At bedtime prayers that night, as the conversation went around to the concept of Heaven, Sarah declared that when we die, we'll go to heaven. Then she asked,

"When will I die, Mommy?"

"I don't know, Sarah. Only God knows."

Matt added, "But it's wrong to shoot ourselves so that we can go to heaven faster, right? Mommy?"

Sarah declared, "That's a bad habit!"

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