Monday 7 April 2008

Eat Clean!

I was having lunch with Matthew and Sarah at the dining table and we were all finishing up at about the same time.

Matthew took a mouthful and declared, "I've finished!"

I looked over at his bowl and saw food still scattered about inside. I told him,

"Matt, there's so much food left! Scoop it up and finish it all nicely. Kids, if you want your husband or your wife to look nice next time, you mustn't leave any bits behind. Otherwise next time your husband or your wife's face will be full of spots and holes. Is that nice?"

"No," they chorused.

Obediently, Matthew scraped together the last bits in his bowl. Suddenly, he asked,

"Mommy, you always finish everything, but how come Daddy's face is a bit like that?"


"Just a bit," he added.

"That's different, Matthew! Daddy's are chicken pox scars."

"I hope I won't be like that next time," Matthew said. "I don't want to be exactly like that," he grinned.

Poor Sean! He wasn't too pleased when I told him. Ha ha.

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