Thursday 14 August 2008

Tickets, Please

Driving Matthew home from school one day, I happily started singing along when the radio played a "classic". I just love Gold 90.5! But realising that I'm now listening to that channel makes me feel very old indeed.

"One way ticket, one way ticket..."

I noticed that Matthew was listening intently.

"Do you know what they're saying, Matt?"

He listened a bit more and then remarked, "But there's no such thing as a one day ticket to the moon, right?"

"Yup, that's right!"

Haha! I couldn't stop grinning. And I didn't have the heart to correct him either. Besides, that's exactly what I thought it was until Sean corrected me a few years ago.


Anonymous said...

it's NOT one way ticket to the moon???

justpassingby said...

ya, ya, tell us exactly what the words are.... heh.