Friday 25 March 2016


"I'm be angry!"

That's what Andrew says a lot these days. The slightest thing sets him off. When he says that, we'd tell him, "Okay!"

"Don't say 'Okay'!"

"All right."

"Don't say 'All right'!"

Nothing satisfies him. Then he catches sight of some passing car and goes "Volkswagen!" or "Ford!" or whatever it may be. That cures him in a jiffy. He's really mad about cars at the moment.


Another time, Rachel was whining in the car because she didn't get the song she wanted on the stereo.

"Seriously, Rachel!"

We all stared! That was Andrew! He must have picked that up from Sarah, our latest teen.

Or he might go, "I suppose," if you ask him what he thought.

He might also put a knowing finger on his chin and say, "Hmm, let me think."

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