Tuesday 30 October 2007

Scary ice-cream flavours

We were at Swensen’s choosing ice cream flavours from the dessert menu when Sarah cried, “I want the purple one!”

“Ugh, that’s yam ice-cream, it’s disgusting,” I shuddered.

Matthew asked, “Why is it disgusting? What is yam?”

Sean gave me a look.

“OK it’s not really disgusting. I just don’t like it. Yam is a vegetable, like a potato. But it’s purple inside. And it’s sweet.”

Matthew gave me a disgusted look. Haha!

Eventually we got our order and were happily helping ourselves when Matthew suddenly said, “Imagine broccoli ice-cream! Haha! That’s disgusting!”

“Or prawn ice-cream!” I said.

“Yucks! How about carrot ice-cream?!” Matthew laughed.

“Chicken ice-cream!” I added.

Sarah piped up, “Or baby ice-cream!”

1 comment:

me said...

heh.. i used to also think yam ice-cream is grosssss... but now I LOVE IT. Yumyum.