Friday 20 August 2010

More On The Tooth Fairy

Last night Matt asked me what if everybody loses a tooth at once, how will the tooth fairy be able to go to everyone in one night. I told him there's more than one tooth fairy, and each one has their own area to cover.

Then he asked how come the tooth fairies don't show themselves. I said they come by magic, and if they show themselves that would destroy the magic and they won't be able to come anymore. It's like Santa Claus.

Sarah immediately went, "Oh, they'll lose their job?"

It's funny how they humour me. The kids are actually dead certain it's Daddy who's putting the money in their tooth boxes. Matt says he has seen Daddy come in, and the reason he's even more sure is because, according to him, "You guys always smile when we talk about the tooth fairy!"

The kids have their own grasp of fiction and reality. In response to their query once about why people burn things during the seventh month, I had told them how people believe in ghosts, but they're not real. Sarah's response to that was, "Oh, it's like how we believe in the tooth fairy, but it's not real. Daddy puts it."

1 comment:

justpassingby said...

you should show them the movie "tooth fairy" - it's quite funny... it's about believing in the magic... haha.